
What is glow wallet?

Glow Wallet is a Solana crypto wallet that lets you store, send, receive, stake, and exchange tokens directly on the Solana blockchain using your mobile device. Not only is it a beautiful wallet, but it also has a number of features that set it apart from other popular Solana wallets.

What is a non-custodial wallet?

Easy to use yet feature-rich, this non-custodial wallet is designed to be accessible to everyone regardless of the level of experience. This is a community created wallet, especially for Solana. It supports sending and receiving the native tokens SOL as well as SPL tokens, which is Solana’s ERC-20 equivalent.

What is the best wallet for Solana and Sol tokens?

Atomic Wallet often considers as most popular wallet for Solana and Sol tokens. It's a desktop and mobile app, a multi-coin wallet that can store more than 300 different cryptocurrencies. Not many other wallets allows you to buy crypto with a credit or debit card, sell, trade, stake, send, and receive crypto coins and tokens.

What is the Phantom wallet?

The Phantom wallet is a native Solana wallet designed exclusively for the Solana ecosystem. It is non-custodial, ie you safeguard your own assets and be your own bank, and works on known browsers such as Chrome, Brave (crypto-friendly with a Chrome base), Firefox and (Microsoft) Edge. The design is user-friendly, clean, and simple.


